International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Assessing Active Participation in Evaluation Phase of ADDIE Model in Massive Open Online Courses

Open access

Fairus Hamdan, Norazah Nordin, Fariza Khalid, Helmi Norman, Hafiz Zaini, Ruslina Ibrahim

Pages 3546-3564 Received: 19 Oct, 2023 Revised: 20 Nov, 2023 Published Online: 23 Dec, 2023
Online learning has motivated by the need to enhance the accessible the quality education especially by employees who further their study in the higher learning program. This article focuses on evaluating the active participation of the online training based on the elements of Kirkpatrick training evaluation model that posits a relationship between the elements of satisfaction, learning, behavior, and impact. Data in Evaluation phase of the fourth ADDIE model phase; presented through the engagement measurement, intrinsic levels of effectiveness together with sample testimonies from the participants using focus group reflection were presented. Our finding provides the evidence that online training has a positive reaction lead on satisfaction towards the training where participant benefited the animated & recording video and also the aspect of the user-friendly platform. Participant seems having a positive behavioral change towards the online training due to gaining new knowledge that can apply in their daily working activity. Study also suggest the percentage of completion for reporting. Result considered being useful to measure the active participant engagement within the online employees training context via Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC).

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