International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Influence of Learning Strategies in The Learning of ESL

Open access

Siti Mariam bt Mohammad Iliyas, Siti Zarikh Sofiah Abu Bakar, Zuraidah Sumery, Dia Widyawati Amat, Siti Norfauziana Mohd Sah

Pages 3371-3389 Received: 22 Oct, 2023 Revised: 24 Nov, 2023 Published Online: 27 Dec, 2023
Learning strategies are crucial in the learning process as these strategies lead to better learning experience in general, and thus lead to positive outcome and achievement. Understanding the preferred and practical learning strategies is fundamental for the learners to optimally strategize their overall approach on their studies. This quantitative study aims to investigate the perceived use of cognitive components, metacognitive self-regulation, and use of resource management in language learning. A purposive sample of 115 participants among undergraduates students in a Malaysian higher education institution responded to the online survey. The instrument used is a 5 Likert-scale survey with 4 sections, specifically on demographic profile, cognitive components, metacognitive self-regulation and resource management respectively. The findings of this present study revealed that all types of strategies were highly used by the students, with resource management reported as the most frequent strategy learners depended on. Therefore, it is suggested that both learners and educators make use of the highlighted strategies to design and plan the academic activities and assessments, and specifically take these elements into account in establishing effective learning motivation. Future research could focus on the relationship of learning strategies and the aspect of digitalisation in education and the relevant tools.

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