International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Multimodal Digital Classroom Assessments for ESL Learners and Teachers

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The pandemic has brought a different setting for teaching and learning, especially in the higher education context. Although multimodal and digital modes of representation are frequently used beyond the educational context, assessments for learners focus on traditional print media and less on digital technology. If teachers aim to use digital technologies in the classroom effectively, a stronger nexus is needed between the use of information communication technology in universities, contextual aspects, and theoretical approaches. This study examined multimodal digital classroom assessments (MDCAs) as a subset of classroom assessments. This study also investigated three examples of MDCAs created in conjunction with learners as a part of a formative experiment by combining multimodal perspectives with performance assessment theory and considering their affordances and possible usefulness for practice. The MDCAs might provide learners and teachers with various teaching modes. Nevertheless, implementing MDCAs needs ongoing consideration of validity, literacy demands, and longitudinal character management of some MDCAs. Therefore, teachers should consider how evidence from MDCAs complements traditional assessment approaches in designing meaningful learning processes for learners.
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