International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Entrepreneurial Family Background and its Mindset as Moderators to Strenghthen Intention to be Entrepreneur

Open access
This study aims to examine moderating effect of entrepreneurial family background, and its mindset between relationship of entrepreneurial educational and intention to be entrepreneur. Purposive Sampling with total sample of 150 respondents of public universities’ students is employed. The results of this study indicate that the variable of entrepreneurial education has a significant effect on entrepreneurial intention. Furthermore, entrepreneurial family background has more essential role as moderator than entrepreneurial mindset between the relationships. This current study contribute to the academic perspective, where entrepreneurial family background is need to be consider in educational to promote entrepreneurial intention would be apply in the future. Additionally, family with entrepreneur background should regenerate their business activity through entrepreneurial education in order to ease for next generation to sustain their business with having the stronger intention. Implication of this finding has proven that entrepreneurial family background could be an important moderating variable among relationship of entrepreneurial education and intention to be entrepreneur.

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