International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Organizational Change Through Transformational Leadership Practices: The Principal's Role

Open access
This concept paper aims to discuss the principal's transformational leadership role in facing organizational change. Previous studies found that transformational leadership has a significant relationship with the reaction of employees to organizational change by increasing commitment to change, openness to change and readiness for change and reducing resistance to change and cynicism about change. The findings of the study show that transformational leadership has the strongest correlation with readiness for change (p = 0.376) while the lowest correlation with support for change (p = 0.204). In addition, transformational leaders will make employees see organizational change as an opportunity rather than a threat through ideal influence, inspirational motivation, individual consideration, and intellectual stimulation. Findings from this concept paper give implications to the Malaysian Ministry of Education through the 5th Shift of the Malaysian Education Development Plan (2013-2025), where principals who practice a transformational leadership style will improve the quality of education and quality management. In addition, transformational leadership also gives implications to the school organization and the community by constantly interacting positively so that good cooperation exists within the school organization and with the local community. In conclusion, principals should practice transformational leadership to increase the level of organizational involvement and develop an attitude of fighting for the people to manage change in the school.