International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors Influencing Small-Holder Food Crops Farmers’ Adoption Intention Behaviour on Modern Agricultural Technology among the Non-Adopter in Sarawak’s Rural Areas

Open access

Faizul Ayupp Dino, Nur Suriayanti Gadiman, Abu Hassan bin Md Isa, Michael Entalai, Wan Mohd Hamidi Wan Ahmed

Pages 2360-2381 Received: 11 Oct, 2023 Revised: 15 Nov, 2023 Published Online: 19 Dec, 2023
Despite the government placing a strong emphasis on the agriculture development, Malaysia still continue to have low level of self-sufficiency in its various major food crops. It is widely acknowledge that the use of modern technology can greatly increase the productivity and quality level of the agriculture products. Thus, this paper is timely as it investigate the factors that influence the farmers’ intention to adopt the modern agricultural technology. By examining the issues from the small-holder food crop farmers’ perspective, a better understanding of the issues can be derived. This can ensure the development of relevant strategies to counter the problems identified. To achieve this objective, the study was conducted within the largest state in Malaysia that is Sarawak, by focusing on the rural small-holder food crop farmers across its central, northern and southern regions. A total of 108 of respondents have participated in this researcher-administered survey, who have been chosen based on purposive sampling method. The data obtained were analysed using Covariance-based Structural Equation Model (CB-SEM). The findings shows that the farmers’ age and voluntariness posed significant moderating effect on their intention to adopt modern agricultural technology. Moreover, farmers’ gender and past experience have not moderated farmers’ adoption intention. The finding also revealed that social influences did not have strong influence on farmer intention to adopt the technology. The implication of this findings shows the importance of increasing farmers’ awareness on the importance of technology in their farming methods, the increased focus on youths to join the agricultural activities and also more training programs to the farmers that are located in the rural areas.
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