International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Analysis of Stakeholders' Perspectives on Barriers to Affordable Public Housing Implementation in Ghana

Open access
Access to affordable public housing has become one of the most pressing issues affecting urban employed low- and middle-income households in Ghana. However, addressing this critical issue has been obstructed. This paper aims to examine the barriers impeding the implementation of affordable public housing in Ghana. A qualitative data collection technique was used for this study. Ten (10) key public and private officials who in one way or another are involved in the development and implementation of Ghana's affordable public housing policy participated in semi-structured interviews. The data was subjected to both deductive and inductive thematic analysis. The study's findings reveal some new barriers apart from what literature reviewed as an impediment to the efficient implementation of affordable public housing in Ghana. The study however made some recommendations to ensure effective implementation of affordable public housing in Ghana. The recommendations are useful for implementing future affordable public housing policy in Ghana, despite the fact that this paper is restricted to the opinions of a small but influential group of housing policymakers. The government has to be proactive in its implementation if it really wants to make affordable housing the ultimate product for low- and middle-income urban households who cannot afford.

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