International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Use of Visualization Techniques to Enhance Secondary School Students' Ability to Solve Sentence-Based Mathematical Problems

Open access
Visualization techniques have been used in educational institutions to enhance the effects of problem-solving methods in the domain of functions and quadratic equations. This study aims to assess the effects of visualization techniques utilized by students in the pure science stream at the Form Four level to solve mathematical problems. The study employed a simple random sampling technique to select a sample of 100 Form Four students as respondents for the research. The pre-experimental approach known as the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design was employed for the study and SPSS version 27.0 was utilized to analyse descriptive and inferential data. Paired t-tests were conducted to examine the effects of visualization techniques in the instruction and comprehension of sentence-based mathematics problem-solving within the domain of functions and quadratic equations. The results indicate a statistically significant difference in the mathematics scores of Form Four students before and after implementing the visualization techniques. The results provide there is a significant difference in the Post-Test Score of Functions and Quadratic Equations (t(98)= -.853, df=98, p=.019, p<0.05) in the mathematics scores of Form Four students before and after implementing the visualization techniques. The findings indicate that the level of perception of Form Four students the use of visualization technics to enhance mathematical problem-solving skills is a high mean score of 4.11 and a standard deviation of .3161. The study's findings indicate that Form Four students' mathematical problem-solving skills were enhanced through visualisation. After using the visualization strategy, students’ ability to solve mathematical problems was improved. It can be conclude that this visualization technique can provide an alternative to the learning and facilitation process. This learning method is one of the teaching and learning media that is effective and has the potential to improve students' understanding of learning.
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