International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Approach of Peace (Al-Salam) in the Ethics of Warfare in the Narrations (Qiraat)

Open access

Mohd A’Tarahim bin Mohd Razali, Hussein Ali Abdullah al-Thulaiya, Mohamed Fathy Mohamed Abdelgelil

Pages 1763-1769 Received: 10 Oct, 2023 Revised: 13 Nov, 2023 Published Online: 14 Dec, 2023
This paper outlines the principles of "Salam," which is the concept of reconciliation, based on the two facets found in the field of Qiraat. The principle of "Salam" holds significant significance in the context of warfare in Islamic tradition. In Arabic, "Salam" means peace and safety. In the context of warfare, the principle of "Salam" refers to the ethics that govern the relations between parties involved in a conflict, even amidst battle. Islam advocates caution before passing judgment on someone under any circumstances, even in situations of warfare, and encourages acting with benevolence during warfare. Based on these two recitations, the first facet of recitation conveys the meaning of greetings (tahiyyah), while the second facet of recitation conveys the meaning of surrendering. Both facets of recitation are profoundly influential and engaging, aiding in a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the Quranic verses. In an indirect manner, they have helped strengthen and enhance the interpretation of these verses in relation to one another.
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