International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Sustained Interest in E-Wallet Adoption among Malaysian Consumers

Open access
The surging prevalence of digital payment systems has heightened the curiosity to discern factors influencing the persistent inclination of Malaysian consumers towards e-wallet adoption. Consequently, this research aims to elucidate the catalysts underpinning this enduring inclination within the Malaysian context. Using a quantitative approach, data was garnered from a representative cohort of Malaysian consumers via a meticulously structured questionnaire. The investigation encompasses pivotal factors affecting e-wallet adoption, such as privacy concerns, favourable circumstances, social influence, perceived ubiquity, and customer satisfaction from the perspective of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). By comprehensively analysing the 203 valid respondents, this research aspires to furnish profound insights into the rationale behind the sustained adoption intent of Malaysian consumers towards e-wallets. All the variables in this research showed a positive and significant effect on the continuous adoption intention of e-wallets. The findings of this research endeavour are projected to augment the extant knowledge reservoir about e-wallet acceptance and proffer pragmatic implications for e-wallet providers, policymakers, and pertinent stakeholders, thereby enhancing the advocacy and assimilation of e-wallets in Malaysia.
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