International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Comparative Analysis between Voting in a Democratic System and Bay’ah in the Islamic Political System

Open access

Mohd Sufian bin Moktar, Wan Mohd Yusof bin Wan Chik, Mohamad Zaidin bin Mat @ Mohamad, Abdul Wahab Md. Ali, Nur Fazliza binti Zulkafli

Pages 1095-1105 Received: 18 Oct, 2023 Revised: 13 Nov, 2023 Published Online: 11 Dec, 2023
Voting is one of the important elements in the appointment of a leader in a democratic system. The appointment is invalid without referring to the choice of the people. Nevertheless, in the implementation of the current electoral system, voting is always associated with the Islamic method of bay’ah despite the fact that the latter is remotely related to the democratic system. Hence, this working paper aims to elaborate on the position of voting in the democratic system when comparatively analysed with the akad or proclamation of bay’ah in Islamic politics. This study employs library research to analyse the data deductively and inductively which enables the authors to highlight several important issues pertaining to the practice of bay’ah in the current electoral system. This study determines that voting is an element of bay’ah between leaders and the people when it is conceived in the context of religious obligation. Bay’ah is implementable as part of democracy if all parties participating in the election understand the fundamentals of voting and bay’ah in more detail. The implication of this study concludes that understanding bay’ah in its actual concept is crucial in ensuring the reformation of the democratic electoral system. This would positively encourage the enhancement of the integrity level amongst the leadership.
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