International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Environmental Turbulence and Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Review

Open access

Muhammad Hanif, Mohammad Zulkifli bin Abdul Rahim, Imran Munawar Qureshi, Saiqa Sabeen Shahid

Pages 2845-2856 Received: 28 Sep, 2023 Revised: 25 Oct, 2023 Published Online: 23 Nov, 2023
Environmental turbulence (ET) is an essential variable in the economic and business discourse. This paper focuses more on the incidence of ET in business studies, particularly in marketing and entrepreneurial studies. A systematic analysis is conducted using the 52 most relevant articles from 1991 till 2022. Textual analysis using a word crunching tool yielded essential terms in the complied papers. Results indicate that ET is connected with innovation, which entrepreneurship must indulge in performing well in markets. Most studies have considered ET as a moderator in affecting entrepreneurship and its marketing aspects. The second most common application has been as a mediator, followed by the role of an antecedent. From a purely theoretical basis, ET may have a much more significant role in fostering or eliminating entrepreneurship and keeping entrepreneurship focused on innovation. Future research can focus more on the service sector and study environmental turbulence’s mediating and antecedent positions.
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