International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Trends of Hadith Writing in Malaysia in The 21st Century

Open access
The efforts made by scholars of Nusantara especially in Malaysia in producing the writing of the book of hadith have displayed a variety of distinctive methodologies in terms of their delivery. In addition to writing in the science of hadith, they are also active in producing works in various disciplines such as Creed, fiqh, Sufism, and so on. In this current modernity, with the development of knowledge, the science of hadith has also evolved with various patterns and themes of writing that are used to attract people whether they are Muslims or not. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to explore and examine the latest hadith writing patterns found in Malaysia in particular. The author focuses on the study of hadith writing patterns in the 21st century. This paper is produced from a qualitative design by collecting information and analysing documents in books, journals, articles, written materials related to the title, and data on the internet. As a result, there are several patterns of hadith writing in Malaysia in the 21st century such as interpretation and commentaries hadith in Malay, hadith writing based on information technology, and thematic hadith writing. Therefore, this paper is expected to contribute further research on the trends of hadith writing in Malaysia which requires support from various parties.

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