International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Study on Quality of Preschool Education through Effective Teaching Practices in Selected Public Preschools of China

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Regardless of income level, early childhood education is crucial in preparing children for school. In China, although progress has been made in increasing access to preschool education, maintaining quality remains a challenge. The present study examines the impact of learning environments, teacher competence, interactive teaching and school inspection on the quality of preschool education in China. The aim is to improve understanding and inform strategies for comprehensive child development. The research combines qualitative methods using open-ended interview questions and quantitative methods using closed-ended questionnaires. The results show that teachers from different age groups, educational backgrounds, teaching experiences and regions have different perceptions of teacher competence, interactive teaching and quality of pre-school education. Notably, there is a positive and significant relationship between these factors, with teacher competence having the greatest influence on the quality of preschool education.
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