International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Influence of Work Motivation on the Turnover Intention of Higher Vocational Graduates through the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in Shandong China

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The turnover rate of higher vocational graduates is much higher than that of other college graduates. With a new generation of employees likely to be more actively invested in the company, employee turnover has become a challenging issue and a key focus of human resource management. It also creates a lot of problems for management and organization. Turnover intention is a component of the employee before the actual departure. Turnover intention is easy to predict and directly controlled by the individual. This study selected 400 higher vocational graduates in Shandong Province as the research objects to explore the effects of work motivation and job satisfaction on turnover intention. Through structured questionnaire survey. Partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM) and Smart-PLS software were used to analyze the measured data and structural model. The results show that work motivation has not a significant impact on turnover intention, job satisfaction has a significant impact on turnover intention, and work motivation has an impact on turnover intention through the mediating role of job satisfaction. This study is an extension of the study of turnover intention in China.
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