International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effect of Employability and Job Satisfaction on the Turnover Intention of Higher Vocational Graduates in Shandong China

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The graduates of China's higher vocational education programs are extremely important to the country's overall human resource situation. A huge number of human resources for China's economic development have been provided by vocational education, which has also encouraged the country's overall social and economic development in the new era of China's comprehensive creation of a socialist modern country. However, the rate of employee turnover for graduates of higher vocational schools is 10% higher than the national level half a year after graduation. In this study, 400 higher vocational graduates in Shandong Province were selected to conduct a structured questionnaire survey. Partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM) and Smart-PLS software were used to analyze the measured data and structural model. This study finds that employability and job satisfaction have an impact on the turnover intention of higher vocational graduates. Employability influences turnover intention through the mediating effect of job satisfaction. This study is an extension of the study of turnover intention in China.
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