This study investigates the relationship between the motivation and readiness to communicate in Arabic among students at Kolej Universiti Islam Perlis. This study was conducted with a sample of 150 respondents from the institution, the study employs quantitative research methods and utilises questionnaires to gather data pertaining to the participants' readiness to communicate in Arabic. Correlation analysis revealed a significant and strong positive relationship between the motivation and readiness to communicate in Arabic (r = 0.652, p < 0.01). The mean score for the respondents' level of readiness to communicate was moderate (M = 3.5703, SD = 0.8747), while the average score for the motivation to communicate was high (M = 4.2419, SD = 0.5635). The findings indicate that both the motivation and readiness to communicate in Arabic among the students at Kolej Universiti Islam Perlis are commendable. However, efforts to improve readiness for Arabic language communication should be augmented to ensure that students are consistently prepared to engage in communication across diverse situations.
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