International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Influence Of Motivation on Fear in the Learning of Arabic Language as a Foreign Language

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This study is to identify the influence of motivation on fear in learning Arabic as a foreign language among Malaysian students. Despite the increasing demand for the teaching and learning of Arabic as a foreign language, there are Malaysian graduates who face difficulties in mastering the language well. They need to take one of the foreign languages as a compulsory elective language subject, one of which is Arabic. They find the language to be challenging and struggle to communicate effectively in it. This study was conducted to answer the following questions: i) How do students view their motivation to learn a foreign language? and ii) How do students perceive communication anxiety to learn a foreign language? and iii) How do students experience the fear of negative evaluation for learning a foreign language? and v) How do students experience test anxiety learning a foreign language? and vi) Is there a relationship between motivation and fear of learning a foreign language? This study is quantitative because it uses a survey form for data collection. A targeted sample of 260 participants answered the survey which was attended by students from various faculties in a public university in Malaysia. The instrument used is a 5 Likert scale survey and is rooted in Gardner (2001) and Horwitz, et al (1986) to reveal variables. The survey has 3 parts. Section A has items on demographic profiles. Section B has 11 items on motivation. Section C has 33 items on the fear of learning a foreign language. Most language learners show a tendency towards instrumental motivation rather than integrative motivation in the context of foreign language acquisition. The results of this investigation bear weight on foreign language pedagogy and acquisition in Malaysia and can be a road map for language teachers to design appropriate teaching approaches that enhance Malaysian students. Gardner (2001) and Horwitz, Horwitz & Cope (1986). Motivation is also essential in learning a foreign language to reduce aspects of anxiety and negative evaluation. The conclusion shows that there is a connection between motivation and fear in learning a language, especially Arabic as a third language.

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