International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Norms in Libyan society between the approval of Sharia and its violation Examples of Surat Al-Nur

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This research falls within an objective and vital study oriented to the concrete factual aspects of Islamic societies, it highlights the importance and impact of norms as an organized force for society, and how it affects the activation of Sharia from a positive or negative perspective, the scope of the research includes considering the legislative sources from which the provisions are derived, followed by clarifying the concepts and importance of these sources, the research tracks the concept of norms as a legislative source alone, and how it plays a role in determining social behavior, in general, this article deals with the topic of norms and their impact on Libyan society and how it conforms to religious provisions, and provides an objective analytical vision that seeks to understand the positive and negative effects of norms, and how the social and religious situation in Libyan society can be developed and improved.
This study aims to highlight models of customs prevalent in Libyan society, and conducts a careful analysis of their compatibility or incompatibility with the verses of Surat Al-Nur in the Holy Quran, with a neutral vision that explores the compatibility of these customs with Sharia origins and considered Islamic values, this paper addresses the issue from multiple angles, as it presents the impact of these provisions on the reality of Libyan society, and provides a comprehensive assessment of the positive and negative impact that these customs may have, both in terms of promoting religious values and morals or in terms of encouraging moral or religious deviations, by subjecting the data to the research methods followed, the researcher shows the importance of culture and religion in forming identities, social values and laws in Libyan society, so that Arab and Islamic values and traditions reflected a long history of influence and development in Libya, which led to the formation of a society with unique specificity.
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