International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Role of Human Resources Management in Achieving Employee Satisfaction in Government Institutions in the Emirate of Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates

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As a result of the increasing interest in managing human resources, public and private organizations have begun to work on setting rules, principles and instructions that guarantee working conditions and meet the needs and aspirations of workers, and work to direct their behavior and activity, or develop their skills that ensure increased productivity, and raise efficiency and quality, and therefore institutions began to search For mechanisms to ensure obtaining the best human resources, and the most efficient people, by creating a positive environment that supports work effectiveness, commitment and loyalty to the institution. The study aimed to define concepts related to human resource management practices and job satisfaction, and to demonstrate the impact of human resource management practices on achieving job satisfaction in government institutions. It is considered one of the vital administrative practices in governmental and private organizations alike, as these administrative practices work to develop human capital, and the study followed the analytical descriptive approach. The study concluded that the physical work environment is not at the level of aspirations needed by the employees, and this may affect the feelings of the employees and their job dissatisfaction. Also, the Human Resources Department activates recreational activities and employees participate in various events, which may contribute to increasing workers' confidence in the Human Resources Department and achieving job satisfaction. The study recommends that the Human Resources Department pay more attention to improving performance evaluation processes according to the latest practices so that it can address deficiencies and weaknesses in performance through the results of development in this vital and important system. And increased activity and have high productivity and faster completion of the tasks assigned to them.

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