International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Parenting Factors and Emotion Regulation among Asian Adolescents: A Systematic Review

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Parenting is a culturally specific task which is believed to influence the development of adolescents’ emotion regulation. The present study aims to explore the parenting factors that are associated with emotion regulation among Asian adolescents. Employing the PRISMA guideline, this study conducted systematic research from Scopus, Web of Science and PubMed databases, covering articles that report on parenting factors associated with emotion regulation among Asian adolescents. Using the AXIS tool to appraise the quality of the articles, a total of 29 articles were selected. The thematic synthesis found that there are three major themes of parenting factors that influence Asian adolescents’ emotion regulation, which are observational learning, parenting practices, and the emotional climate of the family. Specifically, parents’ reaction, attachment, and parent-adolescent relationship were associated with both emotion regulation as well as emotion dysregulation. Positive parenting was observed to be associated with emotion regulation only, but negative parenting was related to emotion dysregulation. Studies found that attachment and parent-adolescent relationship were unrelated to expressive suppression. Future studies need to examine the effects of observational learning, parental control, and parenting styles on adolescent’s emotion regulation due to limited and inconsistent findings. This study will enlighten researchers on parenting factors that directly and indirectly shape the ways Asian adolescents regulate their emotions.

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