International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Pedagogical Approach To Esulam@Apbuitm Using Experiential Learning: A Case Study

Open access

Fauziah Saadah Abdul Halim, Eliyas S. Mohandas, Muhammad Aizat Azhari, Nurbaya Mohamad Aris

Pages 1379-1393 Received: 27 Sep, 2023 Revised: 23 Oct, 2023 Published Online: 22 Nov, 2023
SULAM is a form of service learning defined as an experiential learning pedagogy. This credit-bearing educational experience integrates classroom instructions or assessments with community service activities to provide a practical, progressive learning experience while meeting societal needs. In parallel with the challenges and needs of the digital future, EIC552 (Company Website Design) aims to equip students with the knowledge, self-confidence and 21st-century skills, in line with the aspiration of Shift 1 of the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education) to (i) enhance students' learning experience (ii) produce well-rounded and holistic graduates and (iii) expand collaboration between industries, government agencies and communities. Therefore, this paper presents a case study of a pedagogical approach that integrates teaching technical skills, and knowledge, for a successful implementation of a service-learning program, within an academic course whilst taking into the needs of the specific community.

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