International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Validity and Reliability of Instruments for the Purposes Realization Position of Senior ASSISTANT (COUNSELING)

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This article discusses the validity and reliability of items in the questionnaire for the realization the position of Senior Assistant (Counseling) service. This instrument has been developed based on literature review, management involvement, expert views and objective studies. To get the validity of the items in this instrument, the views of six experts have been studied. The reliability of the instrument was measured through the alpha coefficient. The results of the expert validity assessment indicated that all experts agreed with the items, but some adjustments were needed in terms of sentence length and differentiation between action and belief statements. Meanwhile, with a Cronbach's alpha value of 0.852, the instrument demonstrated high reliability. In conclusion, the items in this instrument are considered valid for measuring the realization the position of Senior Assistant (Counseling) based on expert validity and high reliability values.
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