International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Strategic Success at Jordan Kuwait Bank

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This study aimed to test the effect of entrepreneurial orientation with its dimensions (innovation, proactive, risk-taking, and aggressive competition) on strategic success with its dimensions (adaptation, growth, and survival) in the Jordan Kuwait Bank. The study was conducted on a sample of 73 managers who work in the bank. Data was collected from them through a questionnaire developed by the researchers for this purpose. The study used the quantitative descriptive approach.
The study found that there are clearly high levels of the dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation, led by innovation, and high levels of the dimensions of strategic success, led by survival. The results of the study indicated that there is a significant impact of entrepreneurial orientation on the strategic success of the Jordan Kuwait Bank.
The researchers recommended that the Jordan Kuwait Bank strengthen the bank's proactive approach by seeking serious communication with customers to learn about their needs and desires, and the ways they prefer to provide service by the bank, through specialized employees who are prepared to carry out these tasks.
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