International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Causes and Effects of Anxiety Among Young Women

Open access

Suhaila Sharil, Nur Faathinah Mohammad Roshdan, Amirah Hassan @ Asan, Nursafra Mohd Zhaffar

Pages 1071-1093 Received: 22 Sep, 2023 Revised: 18 Oct, 2023 Published Online: 15 Nov, 2023
Anxiety, a pervasive mental health challenge, holds immense importance as a chronic, fear-laden emotional state, particularly among young women. This study, rooted in quantitative methodology utilizing surveys, engaged 101 female respondents aged 18 to 25, yielding pivotal insights. Family conflicts emerged as the primary cause of anxiety, registering a mean value of 4.39, emphasizing the profound impact of familial dynamics on mental health. Simultaneously, the study revealed that anxiety's excessive effects, leading to unintentional physical injuries, held the highest mean value of 4.18. These results underscore the urgency of comprehensive mental health interventions addressing both psychological and physical well-being. Furthermore, this study lays the foundation for future research endeavors to explore additional contributing factors, gender-specific stressors, coping mechanisms, and intervention strategies, ultimately fostering more effective approaches to mitigate anxiety in young women, a collective responsibility for society.
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