International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Exploring The Types of Task Differentiated Strategies (DS) In Teaching Writing

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Writing skills are often regarded as one of the most challenging aspects to acquire in the English language, especially for second language learners (ESL). Malaysian teachers, in particular, face difficulties in teaching writing due to the diverse learning needs of their students. The Cambridge Baseline Study conducted in 2013 emphasized the need for Differentiated Instruction (DI) in Malaysian classrooms, which consist of mixed-ability students. As a response, the Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum, Ministry of Education (MoE) introduced eight differentiated strategies, including task differentiation, in the English Language Scheme of Work (SOW) Form 3. This qualitative study investigates the application of task differentiated strategies in the teaching of writing. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and classroom observations involving four secondary school ESL teachers in the Kuala Lumpur area. The analysis focused on identifying the types of task differentiated strategies employed by teachers during writing activities in mixed-ability ESL classrooms and examining how these strategies assist students in their learning process. The findings revealed three primary task differentiated strategies commonly utilized by the teachers in this study: scaffolded writing tasks, collaborative writing, and individualized writing goals. The findings show that task differentiation strategies are beneficial in improving students' writing skills. The study recommends additional investigation into diverse forms of differentiation strategies for various language skills.
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