International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Overview of Digital Marketing Strstegy Among Asnaf Entrepreneurs in Malaysia

Open access
The Industrial Revolution in Malaysia and the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic require asnaf entrepreneurs to remain competitive in line with the digitization progress taking place in Malaysia. Due tue online initiative and changes in consumer lifestyle towards digitized purchases and the use of marketing platforms require entrepreneurs to master digital marketing in order to remain relevant in business. The productive and nonproductive capital assistance provided by zakat institutions will enable the empowerment of asnaf entrepreneur through training, programs, and also the purchase of digital equipment such as computer and tablet. The capital provided by zakat institution will enable the asnaf entrepreneur to achieve their objectives in improving their business skills, and the company sales revenue. The goal of the asnaf development program organized by the Majlis Agama Islam Negeri (MAIN) and also zakat institution is to produce a group of asnaf who are able to be independent and get out of poverty and also fulfilling the educational and skill elements. Asnaf entrepreneurs are being trained to absorb values such as self-confidence, entrepreneurship and being able to be independent and add appropriate knowledge through training. Therefore this paper aims to provide an overview on how zakat institution assist asnaf entrepreneurs in preparing themselves in equipping with marketing digital knowledge and becoming a successful asnaf entrepreneur in digital era and able to contribute to the development of oneself and country as a whole.
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