International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Elements of Alteration in the Application and Ownership Process of the Affordable Housing Policy in Johor

Open access

Norshafadila Ngadiman, Salfarina Samsudin, Aminah Mohsin, Khadijah Hussin, Nur Khairiyah Mohammad

Pages 886-896 Received: 21 Oct, 2023 Revised: 18 Oct, 2023 Published Online: 12 Nov, 2023
The housing policy alteration requires a reassessment at the legislation level and the housing policy implementation to review the effectiveness of the existing housing policy. A surplus of over 8% of the low-cost houses from 27% of unsold houses is the main reason for the housing policy alteration in Johor. This study identified the elements of the alteration in the application and ownership process of affordable houses in Johor and evaluated the achievement of the housing policy alteration. This study combined qualitative and quantitative research. Interviews were conducted with the Johor Housing Development Corporation and developers. A total of 148 questionnaires were distributed to the applicants or owners of affordable houses in the Iskandar Malaysia region, Johor. The results of this study show that the housing policy alterations for the affordable houses in Johor have brought positive impacts to the housing provision, especially among the middle-income group; the target group for the State Government to implement the current housing policy. This study is significant in the policy-making process because it provides a preliminary assessment of Johor's affordable housing policy implementation, which has been implemented since 2012.
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