International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Implementation of Technology for Pre-schoolers: A Qualitative Study

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The purpose of this study is to investigate preschool teachers’ implementation of technology for preschoolers. There are a total of 8 participants selected from the study area. The methodology implemented was using interviews and observations. All of the selected participants agreed that the implementation of technology is crucial for Generation Alpha. However, the negative impact of using technology was the misuse of technology and excessive screen time. The transition of preschool education before the pandemic was visible when the usage of technology was very limited; during the pandemic, technology was fully implemented for online lessons; and during the endemic, preschool teachers implemented technology for hybrid lessons, and at specific periods. There are challenges faced by preschool teachers such as poor internet connectivity, ineffective hybrid lessons, and inadequate ICT skills. Older children faced issues when transitioning from online to physical learning due to their difficulty in adjusting to changes in the routine for physical learning. Therefore, professional training skills, providing adequate ICT tools, stable network connections as well as support from the school’s management are the ways to overcome challenges regarding the implementation of technology in preschool classrooms. Lastly, selected participants for this study suggested that individual coaching should be provided to children who faced difficulties when transitioning from online to physical learning. Thus, the researcher concluded that there is a need for preschool teachers, parents, schools, and the government to explore the preschool teachers implementation of technology as ICT technology is an important 21st-century skill in the preschool curriculum.
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