International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Exploring the Concept of Maqasid al-Sunnah to Understand the Higher Objectives of the Sunnah

Open access

Mesbahul Hoque, Zulhilmi Bin Mohamed Nor, Muneer Ali Abdul Rab, Kauthar Abd Kadir, Yuslina Mohamed

Pages 768-776 Received: 22 Sep, 2023 Revised: 18 Oct, 2023 Published Online: 12 Nov, 2023
The concept of Maqasid al-Sunnah, denoting the higher objectives or goals of the Sunnah, offers a profound perspective on the teachings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in Islam. A deeper understanding of the higher objectives of the Sunnah illuminates towards a more profound connection with faith (Aqidah). It also encourages a greater appreciation of the Prophet's teachings and unveiling their timeless relevance and fostering a more meaningful application of these teachings in daily life. Throughout this exploration, we delve into the historical evolution of Maqasid al-Sunnah, recognizing its enduring presence in Islamic scholarship. We also explore the significance of this concept, highlighting the numerous benefits of its study. Furthermore, our exploration identifies the practical implications of Maqasid al-Sunnah in addressing contemporary issues. From gender equality to environmental sustainability, political complexity, and financial ethics. It exemplifies the adaptability of Islamic thought in addressing multifaceted challenges.
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