International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Face Mask Waste Management as Risk Waste: Prevention of Covid-19 Virus Transmission in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

Open access

Abdul Hair Beddu Asis, Mohammad Tahir Mapa, Abang Mohd, Razif Abang Muis, Syamsul Azizul Marinsah, Habibah @Artini Ramlie

Pages 702-713 Received: 22 Sep, 2023 Revised: 19 Oct, 2023 Published Online: 12 Nov, 2023
The issues of the Corona virus outbreak or Covid-19 has changed the landscape of human life in a more cautious way including the use of face masks when working outside the home. The first step in preventing the Covid-19 virus from the public is to wear a face mask and regularly wash hands and maintain hygiene. As a result, the demand for face masks in the market is increasing and the government has increased the production of face masks through production of local factories and imports from abroad. This indicates that the public is aware of the high prevalence of covid-19 and that the use of face masks is high. However, a new problem is the method of disposing of face masks not being properly managed. So far. The face masks are not categorized as hazardous or clinical waste. People throw the face masks as normal waste. Although face masks are not categorized as hazardous wastes, they do need to be taken seriously as the Covid-19 outbreak is extremely rapid and can spread through the face masked. Therefore, this study will identify the potential for transmission of the covid-19 virus through the face masks and integrated face masks waste management methods by local authorities and the community as a hazardous waste. This study uses content analysis methods based on past research facts and general monitoring to get answers to the objectives to be achieved. The results show that face masks are highly potential agents of transmission of Covid-19 virus if not managed properly. This study has also classified residual face masks as risky wastes. Therefore, this study introduces the appropriate face mask waste management method to prevent infection from waste operators. This study is very important to prevent the existence of new clusters as a result of neglected management of face masks.
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