International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Investigating Aesthetic Preferences in Wearable Devices via the Unified Model of Aesthetics: A Review

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Over the past few decades, the aesthetics area of research has expanded beyond the realm of pure artistic judgment, encompassing the aesthetics of products. The Unified Model of Aesthetics (UMA), one of Europe's most expansive aesthetic research projects, is a design psychology model rooted in aesthetic perception. This model has given rise to numerous studies on product aesthetics. These widely disseminated studies form the foundation of this paper's comprehensive integration, serving as a theoretical cornerstone for prospective product aesthetics researchers and design developers. Within this review, we focus on wearable device aesthetics. Rapidly evolving wearable devices have secured a profound place in the hearts of consumers. However, the external design of these products has garnered limited research attention. This article illustrates the importance of aesthetics in wearables and its profound impact on user experience and purchasing behavior. We delve into the framework of the UMA model and its implications within the study of aesthetic preferences across diverse products. Additionally, we elucidate how this aesthetic model can be effectively employed to explore and comprehend the aesthetic inclinations of wearable devices. This comprehensive review provides a refined design framework and theoretical foundation that fosters forward-looking research and facilitates wearable product development efforts.
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