International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Study of Female Consumers' Intention to Repurchase in E-commerce Live Streaming

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The huge business potential of live e-commerce is receiving more and more widespread attention, and the repurchase intention of consumers has become an important factor affecting the sustainable development of live e-commerce. Drawing on the literature on retailing, communication and e-commerce, this paper proposes a comprehensive framework for examining the relationship between female consumers' perceived experience of live e-commerce, flow experience, consumer gratification, consumer satisfaction and repurchase intention. It is found that perceived experience (perceived usefulness, perceived interactivity, and perceived entertainment) and flow experience positively influence consumer repurchase intentions through consumer satisfaction, while consumer gratification does not mediate the effect at all. These findings shed light on the role of live streaming in increasing sales and loyalty, and suggest ways in which live e-commerce can build customer stickiness by improving consumer perceived experience and flow experience, together with consumer satisfaction as a mediator.
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