International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Examining Work Stress And Employee Performance Among Public Servants: Evidence From Terengganu, Malaysia

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Work stress can be attributed to various variables, including heavy workloads, role conflict, and the organizational environment. It impacts the performance of employees by diminishing productivity and efficiency. The objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between occupational stress and the productivity of employees. Stratified sampling was used to guarantee the inclusion of diverse groups and levels within the population. The analysis comprised a total of 137 respondents from a public agency in Terengganu. The analysis was performed using SPSS software. Pearson's correlation analysis and mean analysis were utilized to assess the associations between independent and dependent variables. The study's findings demonstrated a notable correlation between work-related stress and employee performance. In the future, it is important to explore numerous aspects that require improvement in further research. Exploring additional factors contributing to work-related stress could prove advantageous. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that this current investigation is constrained by the utilization of closed questionnaires, which might fail to encompass all pertinent data.
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