International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Influence of Streamer’s Characteristics on Consumer Purchase Intention Through Live Streaming

Open access

Che Aniza Che Wel, Nur Minhalina Mohamad Yadi, Siti Ngayesah Abdul Hamid, Nadzirah binti Rosli

Pages 596-609 Received: 22 Sep, 2023 Revised: 17 Oct, 2023 Published Online: 02 Nov, 2023
This study conducted in Malaysia aimed to investigate the factors influencing consumers intentions to make purchase through live streaming. The research focused on streamer’s characteristics, specifically attractiveness, trustworthiness, expertise, and interactivity, to determine their impact on consumer purchase intention. The survey involved 150 respondents randomly chosen among Malaysian, who answered a questionnaire distributed through platforms live WhatsApp, Instagram and Twitter. Multiple regression analysis revealed that two streamer characteristics, trustworthiness and expertise, exhibited a strong association with customer intention to purchase through live streaming. However, streamer’s attractiveness and interactivity were not found to be significantly related to customer purchase intention. This findings offer valuable insights for both aspiring live streamers and marketers. Trustworthiness and expertise emerged as crucial attributes for streamers looking to influence consumer purchase intentions. This information serves as a practical guide for individuals aspiring to become live streamers, emphasizing the importance of building trust and showcasing expertise. Additionally, marketers seeking suitable candidates for live streaming partnerships can use this study as a reference to identify streamers who possess the key characteristics that positively impact consumer behavior. Overall, this study provides nuanced understanding of the dynamics between streamers characteristics and consumer preferences in the context of live streaming in Malaysia.
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