International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Imam Al-Shafi'i's Standing On The Use Of Reason Through Al-Qiyas And Al-Istihsan In The Determination Of Law

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The science of using reason based on philosophy is one of the sciences that was systematically introduced by Greek philosophers. This knowledge develops and also expands into the realm of Islamic knowledge. This to some extent influenced the thinking of some of the Muslim community at that time. Thus this paper will look at how Islamic scholars such as Imam al-Shafi'i learn and understand the concept of the use of reason systematically, what elements of the use of reason can be identified in the determination of law through al-qiyas and al-Istihsan. How Imam al-Shafi'i used the use of reason as one form of argument in determining a law. Through the method of historical highlights and descriptive classification, this study emphasizes the element of using reason in the methodology of Islamic law through al-qiyas and al-istihsan. This study is done in the form of document analysis and observation to collect the main data and the data analysis method is done descriptively. The results of the study show that the discussion related to the use of reason is touched upon in the chapters of al-qiyas and al-istihsan by Imam al-Shafi'i. In fact, he was the first Islamic scholar to discuss al-qiyas in a systematic and organized manner. Thus as a conclusion, the application of the method of use of reason by Imam al-Shafi'i in al-qiyas is proof that he has the ability to master the field of use of Greek reason so that he is able to formulate al-qiyas with strict conditions, in order to curb the use of reason (ra'y ) arbitrarily by someone in determining a law. Among the importance of the formula presented by al-Shafi'i in this regard is to give guidance and certain limits to Muslims who greatly glorify the use of reason to the point of acting beyond the limits of reason and setting aside religious guidance.
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