International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Determinant of Generation Z Social Entrepreneurial Attitude

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The goal of this study is to look at the factors that influence Generation Z social entrepreneurial attitudes. Generation Z is the unit of study because they will eventually make up most of a country's labour and economic contributions. To achieve the aim of this study, a literature survey related to the variables was carried out, and empirical analysis was conducted among 154 Generation Z, who are also university students. The data was analyzed using statistical tool, Pearson correlation and multiple regression. The results revealed RTM have a significant value of <0.0001 smaller than 0.05, indicating that Generation Z are willing to take risks, shaping their attitude towards Social Entrepreneurships (SEs). A significant value of <0.0001 which is smaller than 0.05 was also found, proving FL significantly shaped generation Z social entrepreneurial attitude. The results suggest that RTM and FL have significant impacts on social entrepreneurial attitude. This finding would help the policy maker to plan for better strategy in shaping the generation Z in having a positive attitude in becoming a social entrepreneur. The results revealed that Generation Z are willing to take risks, and this will shape their positive attitude towards social entrepreneurship. The value of the study is that a financially literate person will have a strong attitude towards social entrepreneurship.
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