International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


To Vote or Abstain from Voting: Young Voters after the Implementation of Undi18 Roslizawati Taib & Benny Thomas Vivian

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The objective of this study is to determine how lowering the voting age affects electoral outcomes, especially in countries that are still in transition to a mature democratic phase. Political maturity and knowledge can influence political participation and electoral outcomes. People with a better understanding of politics are more likely to recognise the importance of political participation. They understand that their actions can have a significant impact on society and are more likely to take an active role in shaping their communities and influencing government policy. However, whether young people are impacted by their parents' political decisions is debatable. The results of the 2022 Johor State General Election showed that Ikatan Demokratik Malaysia or MUDA, a youth-based party won only one out of the six parliamentary seats it contested while Barisan Nasional (BN) won a two-thirds majority. BN’s success in the 2022 Johor State General Election may be linked to a relationship between age and political party of choice.
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