International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effectiveness of Income Zakat Distribution to Undergraduates in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Kedah

Open access

Mohd Nasir Ayub, Surita Hartini Mat Hassan, Ramlan Mustapha, Mohd Marbawi Taha, Mohd Asyraf Yusof

Pages 335-342 Received: 23 Sep, 2023 Revised: 19 Oct, 2023 Published Online: 12 Nov, 2023
The zakat institutions in Malaysia play a great role in assisting to fulfil the needs of the undergraduates in higher learning institutions. The surge of the pandemic Covid-19 that plagues the country has jeopardised household income and further stalls family’s financial assistance to their children in the university. This is a common scenario in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Kedah branch. Based on facts, the Zakat Unit in UiTM Kedah has expanded and become the Zakat, Charity and Waqf Coordinator (ZAWAS) UiTM Kedah that has successfully lightened the burden of asnaf among the undergraduates through zakat distribution every semester. A lot of the needs of the asnaf on campus has been resolved through the zakat fund received. With this underpinning phenomenon, this study aims to analyse the effect of the zakat fund distributed to the undergraduates in UiTM Kedah. Data were gathered online using google form that was filled in by the undergraduates who receive the zakat. The data obtained will be analysed using the SPSS version 8.0 software. The study outcome establishes that the zakat fund is effective in catering to the needs of the undergraduates such as the Internet and phone bills, books and stationeries, food and drinks, and so on.
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