International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Modified Role of Organizational Flexibility in Influencing Human Resources Re-engineering and Adaptive Performance - An Exploratory Study of a Sample of Employees of the Iraqi Ports Company in Basra

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The current study aims to know the effect of re-engineering human resources with its dimensions (organizational dimension, technological dimension, human dimension) on adaptive performance through the modified role of organizational flexibility for the employees of the Iraqi Ports Company - Basra. The researchers used the quantitative analytical method to collect accurate data using the questionnaire. (350) questionnaires were distributed to the study sample, with only (306) receiving valid for analysis. The study relied on two main hypotheses, from which a group of sub-hypotheses branched out. Statistical tools were used by (SPSS.V.23) and (AMOS.V.23) programs to analyze the data and test the validity of the study hypotheses. The study reached a set of conclusions and recommendations, the most important of which is that the company (the research community) has sufficient knowledge and awareness of the variables of the current study and the existence of the modified role of organizational flexibility in the positive impact relationship between human resource re-engineering and adaptive performance.
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