International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Compatibility (KAFA’AH) in Islamic Marriage: A Literature Review

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The application of the concept of compatibility (kafa'ah) is a crucial aspect that should be emphasized by every couple before embarking on the journey of marriage. It holds significance not only in the realm of family but also within the Syariah legal system in Malaysia, particularly when making judgments involving compatibility (kafa'ah), such as in cases concerning reluctant guardians (wali) and others. The failure to consider and apply compatibility in both the family and legislative domains can have detrimental effects on the family institution. This article discusses the issues surrounding the application of compatibility (kafa'ah) based on previous studies. The methodology employed in this study involves analyzing relevant documents. The findings highlight several issues concerning the application of compatibility (kafa'ah): firstly, the diversity of criteria regarding compatibility (kafa'ah) in Islamic marriages according to syarak. Secondly, the absence of specific legal provisions pertaining to compatibility (kafa'ah) in the Islamic Family Law Enactment in Malaysia. Thirdly, the variety of criteria utilized in the selection of prospective spouses within society. Consequently, this study implies the necessity of reevaluating the criteria of compatibility (kafa'ah) in the selection of prospective spouses in accordance with Islamic law (syarak) to ensure its relevance in the present context.
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