International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Determinants of Improved Groundnut Varieties Adoption among Farmers in Northwest Nigeria

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Given their proven, financial and environmental benefits, such as increased production and income for farmers, the adoption of improved groundnut varieties among farmers in subSaharan Africa remains small. Groundnut is Nigeria's primary export commodity, rendering Nigeria the fifth largest producer in the world, accounting for 50% of Africa's needs and 30% of global needs. To date, however, minimal studies have been undertaken to analyze the degree to which new groundnut varieties have been embraced, in particular in sub-Saharan Africa. The research, therefore, looked at the determinants of the adoption of improved groundnut varieties among farmers in Northwest Nigeria through the technical skills of extension officers, mobile extension networks, and extension methods. Primary survey results were collected from 339 farmers from four northwestern states in Nigeria using purposeful and random sampling techniques. Data is evaluated using descriptive statistics and multiple regression approaches. The findings indicate that the adoption by farmers of improved groundnut varieties is significantly related to the technical skills of extension agents, the usage of radio as an extension tool, and group and individual extension methods. The group extension approach provides the most significant contribution to the adoption of improved groundnut varieties. It is therefore essential to provide regular training of extension agents on suitable extension teaching methods, which will include ample awareness of the characteristics of the different strategies and the ability to familiarize themselves with the characteristics of the respondents, thereby promoting the selection of correct methods for each community of farmers. Programs aimed at growing the ability of extension staff in various capabilities should be put in motion for the efficient transition of technology to farmers.
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