International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Literature Review on Job Mismatch and Unemployment Among Graduates

Open access
Unemployment is an issue that becomes a hot discussion almost every year and this phenomenon can be considered as a situation that is experienced globally. The unemployment occurs is closely related to the issue of mismatch that is affected in line with the movement of the country's economic cycle. The limited availability of jobs compared to the number of graduates each year has contributed to the issue of mismatch in the labor market. In order to avoid being unemployed, most graduates are forced to accept jobs that are not equivalent to the qualifications they have. This series of mismatch issues in the job can also trigger a sense of dissatisfaction at work and prevent employees from optimally expressing their true potential. This scenario can affect the development of workforce potential and indirectly have a long-term impact on the development of the country's workforce. This is also seen to be able to influence the country's economic growth. Participation from various parties, especially collaborative initiatives between policy makers, industry, and educational institutions, is needed to deal with this issue of mismatch. Therefore, this paper aims to provide an overview of the relationship between mismatch and the factors of mismatch that occur. In addition, issues related to unemployment and the factors of unemployment will be discussed.
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