International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Exploring Gender and Faculty Disparity in Academic Performance at UiTM Seremban Campus

Open access

Nur Fadhlina Zainal Abedin, Aini Hayati Musa, Asma Rashidah Idris, Sarah Mardhiah Selamat, Farrah Nadia Baharuddin, Purnomo M Antara

Pages 6-12 Received: 19 Sep, 2023 Revised: 17 Oct, 2023 Published Online: 03 Nov, 2023
Academic performance is a critical aspect of students' educational journey, reflecting their learning outcomes and overall success. Despite extensive research on academic performance, there is a need to specifically re-examine the differences in academic achievement between genders and across different faculties in different institutional settings, due to disparities in policies and environments. Understanding these disparities can provide valuable insights into the factors that contribute to variations in academic performance and help create targeted interventions and support systems tailored to the unique needs of students. By addressing this, this study aims to shed light on the gender and faculty factors that influence academic performance at the Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Seremban campus. The research utilised purposive sampling from three faculties: the Faculty of Administrative Science and Policy Studies (FSPPP), the Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Science (FSKM), and the Faculty of Sports Science and Recreation (FSR). The results from independent t-tests and analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated no significant gender differences in academic performance, yet significant variations were found across faculties, with FSPPP demonstrating higher academic performance compared to FSR and FSKM. The Tukey HSD multiple comparisons test revealed significant differences between FSPPP and FSR, but no significant differences between FSPPP and FSKM, or between FSR and FSKM. These findings highlight the importance of considering faculty variations in understanding academic achievement.
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