International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact on Businesses and Public Health Using Lock Down as a Tool against Covid-19 Pandemic in Italy: A Global Perspective

Open access
Since the spread of Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID -19) most Italian regions on indication of the Central Government have embarked on a system of either total or partial lock down and have used it as a tool for curbing the spread of COVID-19. This study examines whether lock down can be of help and is it any of the public health policies and can it bring up massive and tremendous change to the health system and general economy to Italian regions that have used it as a way of intervention in the spread of COVID19.

The research reviewed some literatures about word economies with Google as the main search tool. Have been also listened to press conferences, editorial reviews from Italian newspapers, Bank of Italy, World Bank, International Monetary Fund and World Health Organization. Interviews were also done through phone calls, questions asked via emails to some of the italian leading epidemiologist, infectious disease specialist in the Italy, carefully reading their scientific works and those scientists they cited. Also, the research individual experience and observations on the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy and measures that policy makers have laid down to mitigate the global health crisis of COVID-19 and its effect in the general economy.

After a careful study and analysis of various countries (Germany, Spain, France, Italy) that embarked on lock down either partial or complete is showing plummeting inflation, declining gross domestic product, loss of capital for business groups, loss of jobs especially in the informal sectors, a negative growth due to disruption of the world economy through global value chains, abrupt fall in commodity prices and fiscal revenues and enforcement of travel and social restrictions.
The research found that a national lock down is no cure, has never been a cure and is not a cure to any of the pandemics be it previous or recent either in the history of the Spanish flu, influenza and the pending COVID-19.
Lock down is only an intervention to prevent exponential spread of the pandemic. Although an intervention, it can lead to a mishap and worse scenario so far as health economy and both micro and macroeconomic indicators are concerned.
The research also found that lock down seem to be of a politically enforced measure than a public health policy and should not be the main weapon by Italian governments to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. As demonstrated and proven by the Asian giants (Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan) who never embarked on draconian lock down methods and intensive restriction orders (Gordis, 2017; Edgerg, 2017).

The research shows that is time public health systems of Italian regions are strengthened with befitting budgets, human resource developments, more public health educators recruited to use the mass media be it local radio stations television stations, internet to educate the populace on the effects of pandemics on the country, precaution, preventions and safety steps to follow.
The research saw the need and have seen the need as an urgent call for Italian political leaders to put in much effort and develop science and technology especially in the field of health and biomedical sciences. More research laboratories with modern equipments and instruments should be set up in many regions of country coupled with the continuous need and sponsorships to train many research scientists in the fields of biomedical science, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, molecular medicine and biochemistry, Laboratory medicine, public health and epidemiology, infectious disease etc and such can be a solid ground for Italy to stand on whenever there is an outbreak of diseases.
Furthermore the M3T that is mass testing, tracing and treating should be a must in this pandemic era and even when figures flatten until total control or herd immunity is gained and acquired. In the M3T, M stands for mass, 1st T for testing, 2nd T for tracing and last T for treating or treatment.
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In-Text Citation: (Comite, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Comite, U. (2020). The Impact on Businesses and Public Health Using Lock Down as a Tool against Covid-19 Pandemic in Italy: A Global Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(5), 394–405.