International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Importance of Factors Influencing on e-WOM Engagement towards Consumer Purchase Intention in Clothing Retailers, Sri Lanka

Open access

C. D. W. Muniweera, K. P. I. A. Balawardhana, M. S. N. Rajapaksha, M. A. D. S. Chamara, N. A. Jayasuriya

Pages 349-360 Received: 02 Mar, 2020 Revised: 22 Apr, 2020 Published Online: 09 May, 2020
The electronic word of mouth is a hardly studied phenomenon in the Sri Lankan context. Accordingly, the present study investigates the importance of factors influencing on electronic word of mouth engagement towards consumer purchase intention. By using convenience sampling technique, 501 questionnaires were distributed among respondents between the ages of 18-50 who are using Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp resultant respond rate was 77%. The correlation and regression tests were done through the use of AMOS software, while the SPPS software was used to test reliability. The study found that trustworthiness and electronic word of mouth engagement towards purchase intention have a positive impact whereas, high fashion involvement has a negative impact to the electronic word of mouth engagement. The study is useful for retailers to improve their online presence by developing electronic word of mouth among consumers.
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In-Text Citation: (Muniweera et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Muniweera, C. D. W., Balawardhana, K. P. I. A., Rajapaksha, M. S. N., Chamara, M. A. D. S., & Jayasuriya, N. A. (2020). The Importance of Factors Influencing on e-WOM Engagement towards Consumer Purchase Intention in Clothing Retailers, Sri Lanka. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(5), 349–360.