International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Conflict Management as a Tool for Increasing Organizational Effectiveness: A Review of Literature

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The focus of every organization in the society is to create a very conducive environment where employees can carry out their duties effectively without any negative influence that could hinder the achievement of individual and organizational goals. Hence, organizational effectiveness which includes customer/client satisfaction, as well as quality of work-life, is essential to every institution. Nevertheless, conflict in organizations has become unavoidable because employees contend for authority, position, recognition, scarce resources etc. This paper examines conflict management as a tool for increasing organizational effectiveness. The emphasis is on identifying the nature and significance of conflicts in an organization as well as recognizing levels or types of conflict; then asserting the appropriate strategy to be applied to achieve positive outcomes that will lead to organizational effectiveness. Related journals, textbooks and other online publications in Management, Organizational Behaviour, and other relevant fields were reviewed. Our findings revealed that conflicts do not always put the organization in a bad light, but constructively managed conflict brings about healthy competition, strengthens team participation, and bridges the communication gap. We, therefore, recommend that organizations should reeducate their employees on conflict management construct; dispelling the trendy but untrue notion that conflict is bad, destructive and should be avoided at all costs. Managers should adopt strategy or strategies based on the nature and type of conflict.
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In-Text Citation: (John-Eke & Akintokunbo, 2020)
To Cite this Article: John-Eke, E. C., & Akintokunbo, O. O. (2020). Conflict Management as a Tool for Increasing Organizational Effectiveness: A Review of Literature. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(5), 299–311.