International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Rukhsah of Prayer for Officials of Flood Victims

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Prayer is the pillar of religion obligated upon every accountable person to perform it five times a day. The obligation of performing prayer is constant with evidences from al-Quran and al-Hadith. It must be performed regardless of the situation either in ease or difficulty. Muslim community in Malaysia face difficult situation while encountering the disaster of critical flood striking the country each monsoon season especially in the states of Eastern Region in Malaysia Peninsula. In consequence of ignorance and unawareness Muslim community on rukhsah available in Islam in performance of prayer during flood disaster, some of them look down on the execution of prayer rituals and are confused with the implementation of rukhsah regarding prayer. This includes the officials assigned to rescue flood victims and provide facilities for them. This article aims to explain on rukhsah of prayer applicable by officials of flood victims during rescue of flood victims. Methodology implemented is of qualitative study. Data were collected through document analysis focusing on al-Quran, as-Sunnah, fiqh books of sect, books of Islamic jurisprudence principles (usul fiqh) and books discussing on rukhsah of prayer in details. Data collected were then analysed and discussed using several methods which were inductive, deductive and comparative methods. This study found that there are several forms of rukhsah for prayer applicable by officials of flood victims during tasks of rescue, assistance and treatment of flood victims. Among them, prayer by sitting and lying down, jamak and qasar for travelling officials, jamak prayer for settling officials, syiddatul khauf prayer, and prayer at the end of period. Comprehensively, conditions and situations faced by every officials of flood victims influence the forms of prayer rukhsah applicable by them.
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In-Text Citation: (Sapai & Ibrahim, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Sapai, A. H. A., & Ibrahim, B. (2020). Rukhsah of Prayer for Officials of Flood Victims. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(4), 421–434.