International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Methods for Understanding of Prophet’s Hadis: Application Towards Hadis of Jihad

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Hadis of jihad refers to hadis discussing on topic of holy war or mentioned by the term jihad al-qital. These hadis of jihad should be comprehended correctly based on methods and means explained by famous scholars. Failure of understanding these hadis according to methods lined by the scholars can lead to negative effects towards individual and at the same time tarnish the image of Islam. For example, some of these hadis are used by extremist movement to justify their radical action. However, their argumentation is seen not complying with the real method and understanding as elaborated by scholars. Therefore, this writing is aiming to analyse scholars’ methodology in understanding any hadis related to jihad. Method implemented in this writing was of qualitative method. Data were collected through document analysis by referring books related to ulum al-hadith and collections of hadis and their elaboration by scholars of hadis. This study found that scholars have lined specific methodology regarding methods of interaction with hadis, including hadis of jihad. However, methods of understanding and argumentation of the hadis were found different from those utilised by extremist movement. As an effect of that, there is existence of dalil (proof) abuse for the sake of justification for their radical action.
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In-Text Citation: (Muthalib & Ibrahim, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Muthalib, A. R. A., & Ibrahim, B. (2020). Methods for Understanding of Prophet’s Hadis: Application Towards Hadis of Jihad. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(4), 380–395.