International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors for Success of Sunnah Movement in Perlis State

Open access
Sunnah Movement is synonym to Perlis state. Its emergence bringing a new stream of thought has begun influencing community’s school of thought. New issues being posed begin to get attention as they suit with the revolving time. Definitely, history on development of this Sunnah Movement becomes an attraction for researcher to study. The objective of this article brought forward is to explain on the history of Sunnah Movement struggle in state of Perlis and the factors for success of the movement in Perlis in strengthening community’s understanding of Sunnah practices. Methods of this study was of qualitative study. Data were collected from document analysis by referring to books especially those related to history either of foundation of Perlis state, of Sunnah Movement progress, classical fiqh books contemporary fiqh books, current fatwas, views of Sunnah Movement figures, questionnaires, observation and also interviews. Data collected were analysed and elaborated through inductive, deductive and comparative methods to obtain results complying with the assigned research objectives. This study found that Sunnnah Movement developed successfully in Perlis state upon five main factors which are support by the highest leader, enforcement of laws, credibility of Sunnah Movement leaders, foundation of institution for sunnah development and sunnah enhancement program to improve community’s understanding of Sunnah practice. Sunnah Movement of Perlis gains support from the highest leader of the state which is the King himself and firm support from the highest administration of state which is the First Minister and Islamic administrative agency of state such as Religious and Malay Customs Council of Perlis (MAIPs), Mufti Department of Perlis and Religious Department of Perlis (JAIPs). Enforcement of Sunnah practice can be seen through JAIPs’ practice by assignation of qualified imam through certification of teaching by Mufti Department of Perlis. Mufti Department also vigorously educates and nurtures community through education programs such as organisation of “Sunnah Village” event.
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In-Text Citation: (Hadi & Ibrahim, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Hadi, A. G. A., & Ibrahim, B. (2020). Factors for Success of Sunnah Movement in Perlis State. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(4), 336–347.